Tax Benefits and Asset Growth Through New Home Purchases: A Guide to Negative Gearing Strategy


Benefits and Strategies of Buying a New Home with Negative Gearing Negative gearing is an effective tax-saving strategy frequently used by property investors in Australia. This strategy focuses on reducing taxes by offsetting losses incurred when rental income is less than the costs associated with owning a property. When purchasing a new home, leveraging negative … Read more

Refinance Scenario: A Newlywed Couple’s New Investment Journey

interest rate

The protagonists of this story are a newlywed couple in their early 30s. Three years ago, they purchased their first home, a property worth $800,000, with a $640,000 loan to start their new life together. Since then, they have diligently paid off their loan, reducing it to $550,000. Recently, the husband transitioned to a new … Read more